Hope Once Again

In 2009 after what seemed like a long battle with doctors I was finally diagnosed with having Fibromyalgia. I had known it was something more then a “sore knee” and after insisting on seeing specialists and getting second opinions I finally had my answer.So now that I have a medical answer that did not mean things were magically fixed. I just now have a name for it. So this is when the real work begins and I need to find some balance in my life once again and I know there is HOPE for that.


So I got started but didn’t get anywhere fast...sorry about that. That's one of the things that can go along with FM "Fatigue" with a capital F. It seems to creep up on you or some days it just comes out of no where and knocks you to the ground. We all will have different stories but there will be similarities to them all. As my doctor has told me many times that this condition is frustrating to physicians as everyone is one a different drug cocktail as no one seems to respond to the same thing. I know for myself that even 2 years later and we are still playing mixology.

I digress, as I said I was going to start from the beginning and then never went anywhere with that as being technically challenged I couldn’t figure out how to get back in here.

My knee pain started on and off during 2006 and then starting a bit more frequently in 2007.  I was having knee pains at night that would keep me awake as I could never get into a comfortable position as the pressure on either side was too much . By morning the pains were gone so I usually just chalked it up to arthritis as I did with all my other aches and pains as I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis when I was 19. By late summer in 2007 I was experiencing the pain 24\7 and it didn't feel like anything I have ever experienced with my arthritis in the past. Now all I had to do was convince my doctor that this not "just a flare up".

So this started the lengthy string of tests and appointments with doctors, and specialists. I won't go into too much detail but feel free to ask questions if you want more information. After the initial sets of x-rays showing nothing and my doctor trying various anti inflammatory and pain medications I finally insisted that more be done. Given my history of arthritis we went the route of ruling out that I didn’t have new inflammation due to arthritis. I have to say the one good thing about this was that they had a cancellation and I was able to get into see the rheumatologist within a week. So scratch that one off the list nothing new showed up there….so back to my doctor to see what next. So after shooting my knee up with cortisone he decided to order a MRI on my knee. More waiting of course to get the test then results, but once they were in nothing drastic showed on them. My doctor said “I should get a scooter and deal with it”.

In my head I'm saying to myself I'm 40 and this is not how I was going to live my life I needed more answers as I felt like no one was listening to what I was saying


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